Sorry if this post was a bit negative...the Giants did lose on a balk.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
At the Park
Sorry if this post was a bit negative...the Giants did lose on a balk.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Getting Home from the A's

To the McAfee BART corridor...
Walking down this corridor, after a big A's win, was a riot of excitement. Athletic fans roared and victory chants rattled the chain-link overhang. Athlough crowded, the corrider funnels people into BART cars suprisingly fast; we were out of the stands and in SF in 30 mins.
...and to the trains.

So clean you can eat off the seat-back in front of you. No, its actually dirty--but its a train, not a plate. People on the trains after the A's games always mingle. I've never seen so much interaction among the mass of strangers that ride public transportation daily.
Get off at the Civic Center and Head up to the UN Plaza...

Part of the Market Street Reconstruction Project, the UN Plaza was built in 1975; an underground BART intallation lent room above for the pedestrian mall. The UN Plaza is one of many land marks of San Francisco's Civic Center, an epicenter of cultural and governmental institutions. The Civic center also includes City Hall.
Go to the north side of City Hall to catch the MUNI 5 on Mcallister and Polk...
City Hall has been around since 1915. MUNI was started after the 1906 Earth Quake. The 5 runs from City Hall, all the way to Ocean Beach along Golden Gate Park.
Take the 5 all the way to Fulton and Clayton, to USF.
The University of San Francisco began educating hearts and minds to change the world in 1855.
A map of the way.
CommunityWalk Map - Getting Home from the A's
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Graffiti, City

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
A Place to Play

Students at USF may wonder, "Where am I going to play soccer, swim, and swing once I have graduated USF and can't afford Koret?" Just down Turk and right after Stanyon, lies Rossi Recreation Center, a park consisting of a small pool, a playground , and other sports arenas. Here, the swimming is cheap ($3.60 per swim for adults with Scrip Tickets) and the baseball field, basketball and tennis courts, and playground are free.
Scrip tickets mean you can swim 10 times for $36.00 rather than $40.00. Its not much off, but on the first-year-out budget any savings will help. Srip Tickets can be purchased at City Hall, room 140 or at McLaren Lodge on 501 Stanyon just at the east tip of Golden Gate park. The pool is open all week, so is everything else.
Two slides, what looks like a jungle gym from hell, a hammock, swings, a teter-toter, and much, much more make up the kid's paradise that is Rossi playground. There are two baseball/softball fields, two tennis courts, one basketball court, and a large open field to keep big kids occupied. There is also a pool hoop.
This place to play has a convenient inner-richmond location great for families, friends, and first-year-out college graduates. This place is also wheelchair accessible and has restrooms and parking.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Park Stories
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Monday, April 14, 2008
These Ain't No Frisbees
Chains, trees, and nets are everywhere. Beer seems to be in abundance. Flying through them all are little saucers searching out holes. Well, they aren't so much holes, as goals, and don't think these are frisbees--they are discs ready to golf.
Centered around Marx Meadow in
All are encouraged to come out and play on Sunday mornings between 8:30 and 10am in the disc golf weekly tournament, which includes prize money for the top placers. It takes two weeks to establish a handicap in the tourny, but the last season lasted 25 weeks so there is always time to get out there. Other ways to "get out there" include joining one of the work parties in which volunteers come out on Saturdays between 8am and 1pm during the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December to clear brush, install new features, and generally tidy up the course.
The SFDGC began in 1997 as a not-for-profit and has the goal of building permanent disc golf courses around San Francisco. The SFDGC has 619 members who are ambassadors of this "environmentally and socially beneficial sport." Disc golf can be found across the West coast, from college campuses like Oregon State to DG meccas like De Laveaga in Santa Cruz, CA. So, if disc golf just doesn't seem like your thing, grab 10 beers and get out there anyways. Heres how you get there.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Lucas' Secret Garden
For nine steady years, Jesuit Father Tom Lucas of the University of San Francisco has kept the Jesuit community garden green as green can be--at least for San Francisco. Many students refer to it as the Secret Garden Lucas said, but its really just part of the Jesuit community.
Monday, April 07, 2008
A Simple Cast and Reel

In a 1999 piece by Marianne Constantinou, the entire experience of Angler's Lodge is compared to "Zen" and is considered by some to be "a relief for your eyes and your spirit." Constantinou makes the point that Angler's Lodge has long been a part of San Francisco and Golden Gate Park culture; people who came 40 years ago continue to come with their families today. On my visit to the casting pools behind the lodge, I met a man who was teaching his son to roll cast, among other things.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
See It

Honoring the first sermon on the Pacific coast preached in English, a giant stone cross, dedicated as Prayer-Book Cross, stands 57 feet tall atop a hill in central Golden Gate Park. Although designed originally as a wooden cross, according to an 1894 New York Times article, in 1893 Bishop Nichols of the Episcopal Diocese of California received word that he was to “‘go ahead with the matter so near [his] heart and have it done to [his] entire satisfaction,’” thus allowing for a stone cross. Furthermore, donor George W. Childs would “‘cheerfully pay all expenses.’” , (Childs made his fortune in part by developing the Philadelphia Public Ledger into a supremely influential journal.)
In 1894 at the dedication of the cross, M.H. De Young introduced Nichols, representing Childs, who presented the religious marvel to W.W. Stow of the Park Commission and the State of California. Its placement in the park, 800 feet above sea level, made it visible to ocean-goers, citizens of San Francisco, and to travelers on the Golden Gate Bridge.
Sadly, Childs died on February 3, 1894 in Philadelphia. Known as a philanthropist and a man of great compassion, it is hard not to assume this quote—found on the site Best Inspiration—came from a different G.W. Childs:
“Do not keep the alabaster box of your friendship sealed up until your friends are dead. Fill their lives with sweetness. Speak approving, cheering words while their ears can hear them, and while their hearts can be thrilled and made happier. The kind of things you mean to say when they are gone, say before they go.”

Childs seemed to act out his words, having shared his gift to the Episcopal Church with the rest of the world. Today, although many people either don't know of Prayer-Book cross or have little knowledge of it, the cross is a park monument that is visited by many tourists and SF citizens in Golden Gate park each year. Located just above Crossover Drive on JFK, it lies in one of the most central spots in GG park--just east of Speedway Meadow, just west of Marx Meadow and the De Young Museum, and just north of Stow Lake. The cross represents at least a small portion of the past beliefs that helped shape San Francisco into the complex and ornately diverse city it is today, although one may not see it right away.
George Williams Childs (1829-1894)
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
The Great Stone Cross

"Its Huge!" said Dino Bischofberger, "I remember when I ran up there. It was like, 'where did this thing come from?' You know, it reminds me of that huge Brazilian Jesus Cross." Bischofberger is a recent graduate of the University of San Francisco School of Business.

Liz Sylva, a resident of San Francisco, said that compared with the Saint Ignatius Church, located just beyond the east end of Golden Gate park, the Prayer-Book cross is less religous and more of a park monument, like the Japanese Tea Garden.

"I know where [Angel Falls] is, but aren't there just trees up there?" said Tony Acosta, another resident of San Francisco. "I guess I wouldn't make a point to check it out, but I guess I would if it was convenient."